Vision, Mission, & Core Values

Generate, translate and disseminate knowledge on novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular medicine acquired through collaborative research to enhance the health of the citizens of Alberta, Canada, and the world.

Aligned with the University of Alberta and the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute (MAHI), our mission is to:
- Design, conduct, analyze and disseminate findings arising from novel clinical research
- Interrogate clinical trial, registry and population health data to evaluate outcomes, identify unmet needs and inform future basic and clinical research directions
- Identify, inspire and nurture the next generation of health researchers and professionals.

Aspire to the highest standard of work while respecting a balanced life perspective. Attract, mentor and retain high quality colleagues and collaborators with similar core values.
Promote and support an outstanding team that integrates a diversity of knowledge, experience, ideas, and skills supportive of our mission/vision.
Perform our roles in an ethical framework which enhances our reputation as honest, trustworthy and responsible.
Create an innovative, engaging and inclusive work environment, appreciative of individual differences and contributions. Our workplace will be conductive to personal growth and development that is aligned with our overall mission.
Central to the compass and our entire organization is our purpose, to enhance cardiovascular health for current and future generations. Within the compass are four essential quadrants: our vision, core values, operational priorities, and promise.