Publication Author: Alemayehu W
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The Relationship of Diuretics and Dietary Sodium in Patients with Heart Failure: An Analysis of the SODIUM-HF Trial
Zhou K, Alemayehu W, Rathwell S, McAlister FA, Ross H, Escobedo J, Saldarriaga C, Colin-Ramirez E, Macdonald P, Arcand J, Troughton R, Ezekowitz JA; SODIUM-HF Investigators.
Proteomics Identify Clinical Phenotypes and Predict Functional Outcomes in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Insights From VITALITY-HFpEF.
deFilippi CR, Shah P, Shah SJ, Alemayehu W, Lam CSP, Butler J, Roessig L, O'Connor CM, Westerhout CM, Armstrong PW; VITALITY-HFpEF Study Group.
Biomarker profiles associated with reverse ventricular remodelling in patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction: Insights from the echocardiographic substudy of the VICTORIA trial
Tromp J, Lam CSP, Alemayehu W, de Filippi CR, Melenovský V, Sliwa K, Lopatin Y, Arango JL, Bahit MC, Roessig L, O'Connor CM, Shah P, Westerhout CM, Voors AA, Pieske B, Armstrong PW; VICTORIA Study Group.
Saldarriaga C, Colin-Ramirez E, Islam S, Alemayehu W, Macdonald P, Ross H, Escobedo J, Lanas F, Troughton RW, McAlister FA, Ezekowitz JA; SODIUM-HF investigators.
Diuretic use and outcomes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Insights from the VICTORIA trial.
Ezekowitz J, Alemayehu W, Edelmann F, Ponikowski P, Lam CSP, O'Connor CM, Butler J, Corda S, McMullan CJ, Westerhout CM, Voors AA, Mentz RJ, Armstrong PW; VICTORIA Study Group.
The Need for Fiber Addition in Symptomatic Heart Failure (FEAST-HF): A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial.
Colin-Ramirez E, Alemayehu W, McAlister FA, Howlett JG, Willing BP, Forgie A, Madsen K, Dyck JRB, Ezekowitz JA.
Assessment of Biomarkers of Myocardial injury, Inflammation, and Renal Function in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: The VICTORIA Biomarker Substudy.
deFilippi CR, Alemayehu WG, Voors AA, Kaye D, Blaustein RO, Butler J, Ezekowitz JA, Hernandez AF, Lam CSP, Roessig L, Seliger S, Shah P, Westerhout CM, Armstrong PW, O'Connor CM; VICTORIA Study Group.
Efficacy and Safety of Vericiguat in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction Treated with Sacubitril/Valsartan: Insights from the VICTORIA Trial
Senni M, Alemayehu WG, Sim D, Edelmann F, Butler J, Ezekowitz J, Hernandez AF, Lam CSP, O'Connor CM, Pieske B, Ponikowski P, Roessig L, Voors AA, Westerhout CM, McMullan C, Armstrong PW; VICTORIA Study Group.
Clinical Phenotypes of Heart Failure across the spectrum of Ejection Fraction: A Cluster Analysis.
Gouda P, Alemayehu W, Rathwell S, Ian Paterson D, Anderson T, Dyck JRB, Howlett JG, Oudit GY, McAlister FA, Thompson RB, Ezekowitz J; Alberta HEART Study Investigators.
The influence of comorbidities on achieving an N-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide target: a secondary analysis of the GUIDE-IT trial.
Ezekowitz JA, Alemayehu W, Rathwell S, Grant AD, Fiuzat M, Whellan DJ, Ahmad T, Adams K, Piña IL, Cooper LS, Januzzi JL, Leifer ES, Mark D, O'Connor CM, Felker GM.
Novel multi-marker proteomics in phenotypically matched patients with ST-segment myocardial infarction: association with clinical outcomes.
Shavadia JS, Alemayehu W, deFilippi C, Westerhout CM, Tromp J, Granger CB, Armstrong PW, van Diepen S.
Vericiguat in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: Insights from the VICTORIA trial.
Ponikowski P, Alemayehu W, Oto A, Bahit MC, Noori E, Patel MJ, Butler J, Ezekowitz JA, Hernandez AF, Lam CSP, O'Connor CM, Pieske B, Roessig L, Voors AA, Westerhout C, Armstrong PW; VICTORIA Study Group.
Long-Term Clinical Outcomes Following Revascularization in High-Risk Coronary Anatomy Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease.
Bainey KR, Alemayehu W, Welsh RC, Kumar A, King SB 3rd, Kirtane AJ.
N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Clinical Outcomes: Vericiguat Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction Study.
Ezekowitz JA, O'Connor CM, Troughton RW, Alemayehu WG, Westerhout CM, Voors AA, Butler J, Lam CSP, Ponikowski P, Emdin M, Patel MJ, Pieske B, Roessig L, Hernandez AF, Armstrong PW.
Long-term Outcomes of Complete Revascularization with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Bainey KR, Alemayehu W, Armstrong PW, Westerhout CM, Kaul P, Welsh RC.
Circulating troponin and further left ventricular ejection fraction improvement in patients with previously recovered left ventricular ejection fraction.
Howlett JG, Sharma N, Alemayehu WG, Dyck JRB, Anderson T, Fine N, Becker H, White JA, Paterson DI, Thompson RB, Oudit GY, Haykowsky MJ, Ezekowitz JA.
Novel Biomarkers, ST-Elevation Resolution, and Clinical Outcomes Following Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Shavadia JS, Granger CB, Alemayehu W, Westerhout CM, Povsic TJ, van Diepen S, Defilippi C, Armstrong PW.
Assessment of Limitations to Optimization of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy in Heart Failure From the GUIDE-IT Trial: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Fiuzat M, Ezekowitz J, Alemayehu W, Westerhout CM, Sbolli M, Cani D, Whellan DJ, Ahmad T, Adams K, Piña IL, Patel CB, Anstrom KJ, Cooper LS, Mark D, Leifer ES, Felker GM, Januzzi JL, O'Connor CM.
High-throughput targeted proteomics discovery approach and spontaneous reperfusion in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
Shavadia JS, Granger CB, Alemayehu W, Westerhout CM, Povsic TJ, Brener SJ, van Diepen S, Defilippi C, Armstrong PW.