Publication Author: Collister D
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The Role of Sex and Gender in Acute Kidney Injury – Consensus Statements from the 33rd Acute Disease Quality Initiative.
Soranno DE, Awdishu L, Bagshaw SM, Basile D, Bell S, Bihorac A, Bonventre J, Brendolan A, Claure-Del Granado R, Collister D, Curtis LM, Dolan K, Fuhrman DY, Habeeb Z, Hutchens MP, Kashani KB, Lumlertgul N, McCulloch M, Menon S, Mohamed A, Pannu N, Reue K, Ronco C, Sahay M, See E, Zappitelli M, Mehta R, Ostermann M.
Identifying Research Priorities for Cognition in CKD: A Delphi Study.
Alexiuk J, Harasemiw O, Vanderlinden J, Verrelli D, Tarca B, Collister D, Ribeiro H, Corradetti B, Fowler K, Manfredini F, McAdams-DeMarco M, Chu N, Jesudason S, McKeaveney C, Leon SJ, Anandh U, Tollitt J, Thompson S, Dasgupta I, Bohm C.
Cost-Effectiveness of Semaglutide in Patients With Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease.
Rennert-May E, Manns B, Clement F, Spackman E, Collister D, Sumner G, Leal J, Miller RJH, Chew DS.
Policy and Statistical Barriers Impeding Organ Transplant for Transgender, Gender Diverse and Nonbinary Patients
Christie E, Leeies M, Whitley CT, Collister D.
Heart failure events in randomized controlled trials for adults receiving maintenance dialysis: a meta-epidemiologic study.
Collister D, Pyne L, Bhasin AA, Smyth B, Herrington W, Jardine M, Mark PB, Badve S, Rossignol P, Dember LM, Wanner C, Ezekowitz J, Devereaux PJ, Parfrey P, Gansevoort R, Walsh M.
Increased Infectious Risk Donor Status and Equity Relevant Predictors of Organ Donation Organization Approach and Caregiver Consent for Deceased Organ Donation in a Canadian Province (2015-2021).
Leeies M, Doucette K, Dufault B, Carta T, Mooney O, Hrymak C, Balzer N, Borys B, El-Salakawy Y, Ragheb M, Xie D, Christie E, Collister D, Weiss MJ, Dhanani S, Ho J.
The association between medical fitness facility attendance and incident mental disorders
Tebbi J, Brar R, Katz A, Di Nella M, Bohm C, Rigatto C, Tangri N, Boreskie S, Solmundson C, Kosowan L, Lamont D, Komenda PVJ, Collister D, Bolton JM.
Nephroprotective Effects of Cilastatin in People at Risk of Acute Kidney Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Acharya D, Ghanim F, Harrison TG, Scory TD, Shommu N, Ronksley PE, Elliott MJ, Collister D, Pannu N, James MT.
Cost-Utility of Real-Time Potassium Monitoring in United States Patients Receiving Hemodialysis.
Bamforth RJ, Ferguson TW, Tangri N, Rigatto C, Collister D, Komenda P.
The Efficacy and Safety of Bisphosphonate Therapy for Osteopenia/Osteoporosis in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trials.
Whitlock R, MacDonald K, Tangri N, Walsh M, Collister D.
Characterization of the literature informing health care of transgender and gender-diverse persons: A bibliometric analysis.
Pattar BSB, Gulamhusein N, Rytz CL, Turino Miranda K, Beach LB, Marshall Z, Collister D, Greene DN, Whitley CT, Saad N, Dumanski SM, Harrison TG, Peace L, Newbert AM, Ahmed SB.
In T2DM with CKD, semaglutide reduced major kidney disease events at 3 y.
Collister D, Pannu N.
Fostering diversity in clinical trials: need for evidence and implementation to improve representation.
Collister D, Song C, Ruzycki SM.
Glomerular filtration rate estimation in transgender adults using gender-affirming hormone therapy: an exploratory cross-sectional study.
Miranda KT, Dumanski SM, Saad N, Inker LA, White CA, Delanaye P, Collister D, Greene DN, Whitley CT, Harrison TG, Rytz CL, Peace L, Sola DY, Ahmed SB.
Heart failure events in randomized controlled trials for adults receiving maintenance dialysis: a meta-epidemiologic study.
Collister D, Pyne L, Bhasin AA, Smyth B, Herrington W, Jardine M, Mark PB, Badve S, Rossignol P, Dember LM, Wanner C, Ezekowitz J, Devereaux PJ, Parfrey P, Gansevoort R, Walsh M.
The impact of dialysate flow rate on haemodialysis adequacy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Iman Y, Bamforth R, Ewhrudjakpor R, Komenda P, Gorbe K, Whitlock R, Bohm C, Tangri N, Collister D.
Association of Glomerular Filtration Rate Decline With Clinical Outcomes in a Population With Type 2 Diabetes.
Klarenbach SW, Collister D, Wiebe N, Bello A, Thompson S, Pannu N.
Pathways for Diagnosing and Treating CKD-Associated Pruritus: A Narrative Review.
Rigatto C, Collister D, Granger-Vallée A, Girard L, Hingwala J, Karaboyas A, Levin A, McFarlane P, Pisoni R, Prasad B, Proulx N, Schwartz D, Sood M, Suri R, Tennankore K.
Global trends in chronic kidney disease-related mortality: a systematic review protocol.
Tungsanga S, Ghimire A, Hariramani VK, Abdulrahman A, Khan AS, Ye F, Kung JY, Klarenbach S, Thompson S, Collister D, Srisawat N, Okpechi IG, Bello AK.
Association between Serum Estradiol and Cardiovascular Health among Transgender Adults Using Gender-Affirming Estrogen Therapy.
Rytz CL, Turino Miranda K, Ronksley PE, Saad N, Raj SR, Somayaji R, Dumanski SM, Ganshorn H, Greene DN, Collister D, Newbert AM, Peace L, Ahmed SB