Publication Author: Welsh RC
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Pharmaco-Invasive Strategy With Half-Dose Tenecteplase in Patients With STEMI: Prespecified Pooled Analysis of Patients Aged ≥75 Years in STREAM-1 and 2.
Bainey KR, Welsh RC, Zheng Y, Arias-Mendoza A, Ristic AD, Averkov OV, Lambert Y, Kerr Saraiva JF, Sepulveda P, Rosell-Ortiz F, French JK, Musić LB, Temple T, Ly E, Bogaerts K, Sinnaeve PR, Danays T, Westerhout CM, Van de Werf F, Armstrong PW; STREAM-2 Investigators.
Half-Dose Tenecteplase or Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: STREAM-2 1-Year Mortality Follow-Up.
Sinnaeve PR, Welsh RC, Arias Mendoza A, Ristić AD, Averkov OV, Lambert Y, Kerr Saraiva JF, Sepulveda P, Rosell-Ortiz F, French JK, Musić LB, Vandenberghe K, Bogaerts K, Danays T, Bainey KR, Armstrong PW, Van de Werf F; STREAM-2 Investigators.
Transcarotid transcatheter aortic valve replacement utilizing monitored anesthesia care: a case report.
El-Andari R, Kang JJ, Sidhu S, Cwinn M, Green J, Ma ML, Mathew A, Tyrrell BD, Welsh RC, Nagendran J.
What Guidelines Say About Risk Reduction: Major Data on the Link Between Lipid Lowering and Outcomes.
Thanassoulis G, Welsh RC, Hegele RA.
Is there a role for pre-hospital administration of potent antiplatelet therapy in STEMI?
Welsh RC.
Effect of Peripheral Interventions in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease Receiving Rivaroxaban and Aspirin: Analyses from the XATOA Registry.
Debus ES, Aboyans V, Bosch J, Fox KAA, Patel MR, Welsh RC, Zeymer U, Gay A, Vogtländer K, Anand SS.
Outcomes of management strategies in patients with prior coronary artery bypass grafting presenting with an acute coronary syndrome.
Gouda P, Islam S, Dover DC, Kaul P, Bainey KR, Welsh RC.
Applicability and impact of the COMPASS trial in a Canadian population of patients with atherosclerotic disease.
Welsh RC, Gouda P, Dover D, Bainey KR, McAlister FA, Kaul P.
Cardiovascular pathology, inheritance and prognosis in a familial cohort of Loeys-Dietz type III.
Kay RT, Gouda P, Welsh RC.
Response by Van de Werf et al to Letter Regarding Article, “STREAM-2: Half-Dose Tenecteplase or Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized, Open-Label Trial”.
Van de Werf F, Sinnaeve P, Welsh RC, Armstrong PW.
Reperfusion in Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction With Cardiogenic Shock and Prolonged Interhospital Transport Times.
van Diepen S, Zheng Y, Senaratne JM, Tyrrell BD, Das D, Thiele H, Henry TD, Bainey KR, Welsh RC.
Identifying the Highest Risk Vascular Patients: insights from the XATOA Registry.
Anand SS, Aboyans V, Bosch J, Debus S, Gay A, Patel MR, Vogtländer K, Welsh RC, Zeymer U, Foxj KAA; XATOA Steering Committee.
Antiplatelet Pretreatment Before Angiography With Anticipated or Planned Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease.
Welsh RC
Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology 2023 Focused Update of the Guidelines for the Use of Antiplatelet Therapy.
Primary Panel:; Bainey KR, Marquis-Gravel G, Belley-Côté E, Turgeon RD, Ackman ML, Babadagli HE, Bewick D, Boivin-Proulx LA, Cantor WJ, Fremes SE, Graham MM, Lordkipanidzé M, Madan M, Mansour S, Mehta SR, Potter BJ, Shavadia J, So DF, Tanguay JF, Welsh RC, Yan AT; Secondary Panel:; Bagai A, Bagur R, Bucci C, Elbarouni B, Geller C, Lavoie A, Lawler P, Liu S, Mancini J, Wong GC.
Prevalence of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease following Cardiac Catheterization: A Prospective Observational Study.
Sunner SS, Welsh RC, Bainey KR.
Effects of Complete Revascularization According to Age in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Multivessel Disease (COMPLETE-AGE).
Bainey KR, Wood DA, Bossard M, Campo G, Cantor WJ, Lavi S, Madan M, Mehran R, Pinilla-Echeverri N, Rao S, Sarma J, Sheth T, Stankovic G, Steg PG, Storey RF, Tanguay JF, Velianou JL, Welsh RC, Mani T, Cairns JA, Mehta SR; COMPLETE trial investigators.
STREAM-2: Half-Dose Tenecteplase or Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized, Open-Label Trial
Van de Werf F, Ristic AD, Averkov OV, AriasMendoza A, Lambert Y, Kerr Saraiva JF, Sepulveda P, Rosell-Ortiz F, French JK, Music LB, Vandenberghe K, Bogaerts K, Westerhout CM, Pages A, Danays T, Bainey KR, Sinnaeve P, Goldstein P, Welsh RC, Armstrong PW, STREAM-2 Investigators.
Genetic-Guided Oral P2Y12 Inhibitor Selection and Cumulative Ischemic Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Ingraham BS, Farkouh ME, Lennon RJ, So D, Goodman SG, Geller N, Bae JH, Jeong MH, Baudhuin LM, Mathew V, Bell MR, Lerman A, Fu YP, Hasan A, Iturriaga E, Tanguay JF, Welsh RC, Rosenberg Y, Bailey K, Rihal C, Pereira NL.
Antithrombotic Therapies in Canadian Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease: Insights from the CONNECT AF+PCI-II Program.
Chow JK, Bagai A, Tan MK, Har BJ, Yip AMC, Paniagua M, Elbarouni B, Bainey KR, Paradis JM, Maranda R, Cantor WJ, Eisenberg MJ, Dery JP, Madan M, Cieza T, Matteau A, Roth S, Lavi S, Glanz A, Gao D, Tahiliani R, Welsh RC, Kim HH, Robinson SD, Daneault B, Chong AY, Le May MR, Ahooja V, Gregoire JC, Nadeau PL, Laksman Z, Heilbron B, Yung D, Minhas K, Bourgeois R, Overgaard CB, Bonakdar H, Logsetty G, Lavoie AJ, De LaRochelliere R, Mansour S, Spindler C, Yan AT, Goodman SG; CONNECT AF+PCI Investigators.
Patients acceptance and comprehension to written and verbal consent (PAC-VC).
Kashur R, Ezekowitz J, Kimber S, Welsh RC.