The Canadian VIGOUR Centre (CVC) was established in 1997 as the Canadian arm of the international VIGOUR (Virtual Coordinating Centre for Global Collaborative Cardiovascular Research) Group. The CVC is recognized for its pioneering research in …
Generate, translate and disseminate knowledge on novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular medicine acquired through collaborative research to enhance the health of the citizens of Alberta, Canada, and the world. Aligned with the University of …
The CVC Faculty are internationally recognized as Thought Leaders in their respective areas of interest, and they collectively represent a diverse field of clinical research. Our faculty are passionately dedicated to advancing the frontiers of …
The CVC has forged strong partnerships with a number of institutions and centres around the world in the pursuit of novel research directions and the advancement of cardiovascular research. The CVC takes great pride in …
As a learning organization, one of the CVC’s central tenets is to engage the next generation of health professionals in a research culture that embraces curiosity, welcomes new ideas, and seeks to address key unanswered …
With their depth of knowledge and experience, CVC thought leaders are able to both understand and address the multiple challenges associated with the regulatory, financial and operational aspects of clinical research. Some key elements of their research-related …
With over 20 years of experience in clinical trial operations for Phase II/III/IV, registry, and investigator initiated studies, the CVC clinical trials team has the expertise and knowledge to deliver a high quality and well …
Biostatistics at the CVC is a collective of applied biostatisticians with diverse training, experience, and expertise. We collaborate with local, national, and international investigative teams by advising and applying statistical reasoning and methods to the …
The CVC Population Health and Economic Outcomes team is actively involved in examining population-level issues related to access, delivery, treatment, and outcomes of heart disease in Alberta and Canada. Health care administrative databases serve as …
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) team at the CVC is working with large-scale population level datasets to uncover novel and actionable insights that can potentially assist clinical decision making. To this end, our …
The CVC ECG Core Laboratory continues to evaluate patient data into clinically meaningful findings that have real world implications. Using quantitative data, the electrocardiogram (ECG) – a venerable but powerful biomarker – can improve the …
The business operations group is fundamental to the organizational and financial underpinnings of the CVC. Our knowledgeable team provides expert service and oversees the negotiation and administration of agreements and contracts, budget development, financial operations …
This page has information on the trials that the CVC is currently working on, some of which are recruiting and others that are in the follow-up or closeout phase. If you are interested in learning …
Below you will find information about the population based research projects that are currently underway at the CVC. Through the interrogation of registries and population health data, the CVC is steadfastly dedicated to our organization’s …
A comprehensive online repository of publications from the CVC's faculty, staff, and trainees. The publication archive can be filtered by both year and author.
The Canadian Cardiac Chronicle newsletter features information about the CVC's current trials, upcoming projects, research highlights, and other news and updates. Read the Winter 2024 Issue of the Chronicle Here Past Issues: Fall 2024Spring 2024Winter 2023Fall 2023Spring 2023Winter …
Who We Are: The Canadian Cardiovascular Research Collaboratory (C3) is a virtual clinical research network aiming to blend two fundamental elements: Collaboration Clinical research laboratory The C3 provides opportunities for collaborative individuals to identify and study important unanswered questions …
The CVC Scholar Program is a unique training initiative designed to advance research and further understanding of cardiovascular disease through the educational and financial support of the CVC. Trainees participating in this program will have …
The CVC Clinical Trials Colloquium first began in 2014 when Dr. Paul Armstrong (CVC Founding Director) and Tracy Temple (Associate Director, Clinical Trials), brought together 13 Canadian investigative sites to help: Identify major impediments to timely …
Home > Weatherald J > Reducing the pressure in PAH: Sotatercept, hemodynamics, and the right ventricle.