VerICiguaT Global Study in Subjects With Heart Failure With Reducd Ejection Fraction (VICTORIA) is a randomized parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-blind, event-driven, multi-center pivotal phase III clinical outcome trial of efficacy and safety of the oral sGC simulator Vericiguat in subjects with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)

Data Sharing

VICTORIA Data Sharing Charter (PDF)

VICTORIA Research Proposal Form

Per the VICTORIA Data Sharing Charter, this form is provided for qualified researchers to submit a data request for patient-level data to the VICTORIA Publications Committee for review. For reference a list of current and planned publications can be found on the VICTORIA website. Data requests will be considered two years after clinical trial completion and publication of the primary results (March 2022).

Submit a VICTORIA Research Proposal Form

Find more information about the VICTORIA study here.