Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning



The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) team at the CVC is working with large-scale population level datasets to uncover novel and actionable insights that can potentially assist clinical decision making. To this end, our team develops predictive algorithms with the primary goal of deploying clinician-facing applications to identify high-risk patients at point of care.

Our team applies cutting-edge data science methods, starting from customized data processing pipelines, extensive feature engineering, variety of conventional and deep learning algorithms, robust model validation schemes, all the way to development of web applications. Our focus is particularly on ML methodology research with strong applications in medicine, such as individualized survival distribution, model fairness, federated learning, and data privacy aspects. Our group serves at the interface between the departments of Computing Science and Medicine at the University of Alberta, as well as with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. We are focused on developing collaborations with national and international partners in academia and industry. Supporting trainees, both local and international (through collaboration with MITACS), is also a major part of our mandate.