Business Operations

The business operations group is fundamental to the organizational and financial underpinnings of the CVC. Our knowledgeable team provides expert service and oversees the negotiation and administration of agreements and contracts, budget development, financial operations and accounting, and human resources management. We are also committed to the progress of information systems management, strategic planning, process improvement, and the promotion of learning and development initiatives.
Dynamic communication strategies are a key component of our mandate, as we endeavour to share the CVC’s vision and mission with both a local and global audience. Our team is dedicated to developing strong brand awareness by creating and distributing content that promotes our organization’s wide array of activities and initiatives. We are responsible for managing the CVC’s website, social media portfolio, newsletter, and annual report, and we also provide visual design support to our staff, faculty, and trainees.
The business operations group plays a key role in leading communications between the CVC and its many institutional partners both within Canada and globally. We are dedicated to upholding these strong partnerships, which are essential to the day-to-day operations of the CVC.