SODIUM-HF Presented at ACC Late-Breaking Clinical Trials Session and Simultaneously Published in The Lancet

The SODIUM-HF trial was presented during the Late-Breaking Clinical Trial session at the American College of Cardiology in Washington, DC on April 02, 2022, and a simultaneously published in The Lancet Journal.

The SODIUM-HF study examined the effects of a low-salt diet compared to usual dietary recommendations for people with heart failure. The trial took place at 26 sites across Australia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Mexico, and New Zealand, and included a total of 806 patients.

SODIUM-HF is the largest trial of its type and provides a major update to published evidence. The trial found that in patients with heart failure, a dietary intervention to reduce sodium intake did not reduce clinical events, such as being hospitalized or visits to the emergency room. The authors did find that modest improvements were seen in quality of life and New York Heart Association heart failure classification.

Read more about the trial results on the SODIUM-HF website.