Publication Author: Kaul P
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Generative Data by β-Variational Autoencoders Help Build Stronger Classifiers: ECG Use Case
Nademi Y, Kalmady SV, Sun W, Salimi A, Hindle A, Kaul P, Greiner R.
Supervised Electrocardiogram(ECG) Features Outperform Knowledge-based And Unsupervised Features In Individualized Survival Prediction.
Nademi Y, Kalmady SV, Sun W, Qi S, Hindle A, Kaul P, Greiner R.
Impact of inherited bleeding disorders on maternal bleeding and other pregnancy outcomes: A population-based cohort study.
Alam AU, Wu C, Kaul P, Jain V, Sun HL.
Health Data Governance for Research Use in Alberta.
Sandhu N, Whittle S, Southern DA, Li B, Youngson E, Bakal JA, Mcleod C, Hilderman L, Williamson TS, Cheligeer K, Walker RL, Kaul P, Quan H, Eastwood CA.
Administrative Databases: Friend or Foe in Paediatric Cardiomyopathy.
Conway J, Barrett O, Pidborochynski T, Schroeder K, Cunningham C, Jeewa A, Kaul P.
Time trends in preeclampsia and gestational diabetes in Denmark and Alberta, Canada, 2005-2018-A population-based cohort study.
Lihme F, Savu A, Basit S, Sia W, Yeung R, Barrett O, Luoma L, Ngwezi DP, Davidge S, Norris CM, Ospina MB, Cooke CL, Greiner R, Wohlfahrt J, Melbye M, Lykke J, Kaul P, Boyd HA.
Impact of a Modified Screening Approach During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Diagnosis and Outcomes of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-Level Analysis of 90,518 Pregnant Women.
Liyanage V, Barrett O, Ngwezi D, Savu A, Senior P, Yeung RO, Butalia S, Kaul P.
Lower Socioeconomic Status is Associated with an Increased Incidence and Spectrum of Major Congenital Heart Disease and Associated Extracardiac Pathology.
Smith C, Olugbuyi O, Kaul P, Dover DC, Mackie AS, Islam S, Eckersley L, Hornberger LK.
Gestational Diabetes: one size does not fit all- an observational study of maternal and neonatal outcomes by maternal glucose profile.
Yeung RO, Retnakaran R, Savu A, Butalia S, Kaul P.
Kidney function monitoring and trajectories in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Hawkins NM, Wiebe N, Andrade JG, Sandhu RK, Ezekowitz JA, Kaul P, Tonelli M, McAlister FA.
Temporal trends in type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in pregnancy: Impact of rural residence, ethnicity, and material deprivation.
Ngwezi DP, Savu A, Yeung RO, Butalia S, Kaul P.
Association Between Maternal Glucose Levels in Gestational Diabetes Screening and Subsequent Hypertension.
Liang XC, Savu A, Ngwezi D, Butalia S, Kaul P, Yeung RO.
Validity of alternative claims-based algorithms for type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in pregnancy.
Ngwezi DP, Savu A, Yeung RO, Butalia S, Kaul P.
Associations between social determinants of health and weight status in preschool children: a population-based study.
Wijesundera J, Kaul P, Davu A, Islam S, Dover DC, Moore LE, Haqq AM, Ball GDC.
Long Term Clinical Outcomes Following Cardiac Stress Testing After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Bagai A, Madan M, Overgaard C, Porter J, Han L, Cheema AN, Yan AT, Kaul P, Goodman SG, Ko D.
The Association of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors With Cardiovascular Outcomes in Anthracycline-Treated Patients With Cancer.
Abdel-Qadir H, Carrasco R, Austin PC, Chen Y, Zhou L, Fang J, Su HMH, Lega IC, Kaul P, Neilan TG, Thavendiranathan P.
Assisted human reproduction and pregnancy outcomes in Alberta, 2009-2018: a population-based study.
Moore LE, Haijhosseini M, Motan T, Kaul P.
Association Between Vaccination Status and Outcomes in Patients Admitted to the ICU With COVID-19.
van Diepen S, McAlister FA, Chu LM, Youngson E, Kaul P, Kadri SS.
Predicting Heart Failure With Reduced or Preserved Ejection Fraction From Health Records: External Validation Study.
Sepehrvand N, Dover DC, Islam S, Kaul P, McAlister FA, Miller RJH, Fine NM, Howlett JG, Armstrong PW, Ezekowitz JA.
Sex-Based Differences in Severe Outcomes, Including Cardiovascular Hospitalization, in Adults With COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada.
Behrouzi B, Sivaswamy A, Chu A, Ferreira-Legere LE, Abdel-Qadir H, Atzema CL, Jackevicius C, Kapral MK, Wijeysundera HC, Farkouh ME, Ross HJ, Ha ACT, Tadrous M, Paterson M, Gershon AS, Džavík V, Fang J, Kaul P, van Diepen S, Goodman SG, Ezekowitz JA, Bainey KR, Ko DT, Austin PC, McAlister FA, Lee DS, Udell JA.